Monthly Archives: September 2015
Theatre Alert: Bode Asiyanbi’s Shattered at Terra Kulture
#NigerianTheatre is experiencing a resurgence now and in no other month is this more evident than in October where there is a strong line-up of original plays celebrating Nigeria’s diversity, her history, her diversity and her coming-of-age. Bode Asiyanbi‘s Shattered which is one in Nigerian theatre’s OctoberFest, as we’re dubbing this month’s collection of stage […]
Read More...#MeetTheCast: Interview with Shattered’s writer Bode Asiyanbi
“I’ll paraphrase Hemingway. There is nothing to writing or the arts. All you do is sit down at a typewriter or workstation, and bleed.” – Bode Asiyanbi October 2015 at TerraKulture is a pivotal month, as Theatre@Terra hosts an award-winning but also poignant stage play written by Bode Asiyanbi – Shattered. Shattered is […]