“Everything in life has some risk, and what you have to actually learn to do is how to navigate it. – Reid Hoffman.
The beautiful thing about this era in business is that a great deal of sharing is going on via the internet, allowing businesses to learn from each other. A huge example of this ability to socialise learnings is borne out by Paystack‘s well-written article chronicling their journey of running a 90-day billboard campaign across 2 sites in Lagos.
Buying Lagos Billboards – Curated tweets by IN3K8Media
An essential part of their learnings gives us a big confidence boost in our product offerings – especially after the categorical assertion about the affordability of conventional billboards compared to digital billboards. Of course, the SME-friendly pricing of our bundles vehemently refute that argument. The Paystack campaign on our most expensive package would have cost ₦150,000! Yep, you definitely read that correctly.
This Should be IN3K8 Media and Paystack right now.
Other learnings that we took from their experience include the ease of running and learning from experiments inherent in running campaigns on a digital billboard platform such as ours. With an advertising platform such as ours Paystack would have been able to A/B test the messaging and graphics over the 90-day period as aggressively or as subtly as they needed. Our SLA allows advertisers to change their campaign content with 24-hours notice as often as is necessary during their campaign.
Finally, we were quite impressed with the quality of service and end-to-end integration Paystack got from the XLBillboards folk as interfacing with APCON and all the other running around would have been daunting for any SME. Companies like these and their initiative in challenging climes such as ours need to be applauded.
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