My internship has taught me that the media has so much power and that knowledge is power. I learnt to use social media more effectively and not just for the fun part – Olaide Banjo
I had been anticipating my third year summer holiday for a long time because it was going to be a whole new experience for me, an exposure to a new kind of lifestyle, rather than the usual travelling somewhere or being at home. For more exposure and a new environment, I decided to move out of Ibadan and stay more in Lagos to meet new people and more opportunities. Speaking of opportunities, shoutout to Babcock University and the Mass Communication department for making this a part of our course work for the semester, it’s been enlightening.
First day at work, I had no expectations, I just wanted to work and go with the flow. I had always wondered how people with the 9-5 jobs coped with such long hours. It was a very long time for me. Days went by and I slowly got used to it, the time didn’t seem so long anymore.
As the days wore on, I got to write a lot of stuff as I’ve always wanted, one of my favorites was My Eid Highlights article, I got a lot of feedback and still getting till date. On some days, it was hard, I just wanted to take a break and stay home but I also preferred to do some work instead. I realized that every aspect of the media actually has some entertainment, maybe just not as much as others. I also discovered that all the glitz and glam we see undergoes a lot of planning and hard work before they come to life. Furthermore, stage plays in Nigeria can actually get bigger than they are, the actors really bring their A game and they deserve more recognition.
My internship has taught me that the media has so much power and that knowledge is power. I learnt to use social media more effectively and not just for the fun part, got a deeper knowledge of things, learnt that there’s a lot more to it than we think – articles that we read go through a lot of editing and researching before being published, the juicy interviews take a lot planning before being able to get the needed information and desired results. During this time, I figured out that people are always watching, even if they do not make comments so you always have to be the best you can be. The digital market is slowly outshining every other type and you definitely will get desired results if you manage well.
Asides the media aspect, I have learnt few basic things about how an organization is run. Sometimes, you have to make decisions considering everyone’s best interest. You have to make consultations before taking some steps. If you have to incur charges(a ticket, a product, service, transport) for the company, make sure you have consulted the appropriate authority, have proof (receipts, good services etc). I had my fair share because I didn’t realize that organizations have budgets they work with and have since learnt that you should be able to manage your resources effectively and be accountable for it.
It’s been a good 4 months and definitely a reasonable way of spending such a long period of time. If you are going to be at home for a long while, an internship is definitely a good way of spending your time. Like they say, no knowledge is lost. It also helps to build yourself and gain experience in whatever you want to do or might not even know you will need later in life, the people you meet while at it might favor you in the future. Cheers to summer 2017.
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