Victoria Island, one of the affluent and sought after suburbs in Lagos, will be playing host to an underground twilight picnic underneath the stars at Buraimoh Kenku Street. Organised by the up and coming events company De Picnic Masters, the nights proceedings will feature a vibrant evening of networking, games, music by Firestarter DJ, a special outdoor cinema showing as well as comedy relief by non other than the truly talented MOG Akpors.
If you’re looking for an extraordinary way to spend your Sunday after church in good company, then look no farther.
Don’t say we don’t bring you the very best in weekend events and attractions that our beautiful city has got to offer…
See you there!
Venue:11 Buraimoh Kenku Street off Oyin Joyalemi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos
Date: October 28, 2018
Time: 5PM
Ticket Price: ₦3,000 Ticket Hotline: 0706 217 1782, 0815 809 5006.